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LTH 2020Impact

Honoring every moment

Every hospice employee knows "the look." It happens when someone asks you where you work. You tell them, and it is followed by silence, a shake of the head, or the most popular, "that must be so hard." Most hospice employees will tell you it is hard at times, but there is so much more to hospice than meets the eye. This team, this family of hospice house nurses, home care nurses, chaplains, social workers, CNA's, and administrative staff will tell you it is not only abundantly rewarding and meaningful, but it is also our calling and mission.  


The work we do teaches us something profound about humanity and living: we are here to care for our patients and each other holistically. The work teaches us that there are meaning and purpose in every moment. Of course, some days are just long and draining, and you can't help but feel the job's full weight. But some days, a family member simply says "thank you," and there is a realignment, a rekindling, a little reminder of what we are here to do on this earth.  

Our mission statement at Life Touch Hospice is "honoring every moment of life." While you will see that statement and our fancy logo on just about everything we create, it means nothing if our team does not believe and live the words. I can say with certainty that our team does just that. I have been on the receiving end of hospice care with my father. I was not the employee; I was the caregiver. I was the one that needed support and love. I saw firsthand the compassion, respect, and excellent service our team provides.  

This level of service and intentionality is not an accident or fluke. It is the very DNA of this incredible organization. The past three decades have seen Life Touch go from providing care in a single hospital room to providing care in the beautiful, peaceful John R. Williamson Hospice House and five counties. It has seen staff go from hand-held recorders for dictating to a fully integrated computer program for charting, creating tasks, records, reporting, and everything else. The years have seen the company vehicle go from a suburban to a gold minivan to a cute little "go-go" car with our colorful logo wrapped around it. We even have our own credit card and petty cash now! Woohoo! 

We have come so far, and while they say change is the only constant, our commitment to quality, meeting families where they are, showing compassion to everyone, and honoring every moment of life has never wavered.  

Through all of this, SHARE Foundation has been a loyal, loving, and person-first employer. The guidance and leadership from SHARE over the past 25 years have allowed Life Touch to grow, care for thousands of families, and stay committed to our mission rather than profits. SHARE Foundation has shown time and time again they love this community and truly put their employees' quality of life above all else. It has been an honor to be a part of this family for 20 years and counting. This organization is unique and exceptional. Plain and simple.  

melissa-headshotMelissa Henley
In-Take Coordinator for Life Touch Hospice
Life Touch Hospice Employee since 2001