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SARH Campaign for 3D Mammography Machine

South Arkansas Regional Hospital (SARH) Foundation has announced its first campaign to raise $500,000 by the end of 2023 for a much needed 3D Mammography Machine (Mammo) for the new locally-owned nonprofit hospital, SARH in El Dorado. 

Currently, women are traveling to other medical facilities (sometimes 100+ miles away) to undergo diagnostic testing to investigate the cause of breast tissue problems, such as a mass, pain, and discharge, and to detect signs of breast cancer.  With a 3D Mammography Machine, local and nearby women will be able to receive this service at home or near home reducing time away from work and family along with reducing extra costs associated with travel. 

According to Danna Taylor, the Interim President of SARH, “Approximately 100 women per month could be utilizing the 3D Mammo.  This is a diagnostic service that should be provided locally at our hospital, however, we do not have the equipment.  We want SARH to offer quality medical care in Southern Arkansas, and adding this necessary service is a good start for making that change.  Many in our community have been personally impacted by a family member with breast cancer.  We want to do our part to increase awareness and early detection.” 

To meet patients’ ongoing healthcare needs, SARH must continue to evolve into a regional medical center of choice that is comprised of quality care, equipment, and facilities.  It’s critical to incorporate state-of-the-art technologies and techniques that provide accurate diagnostic services, help reduce recovery times, and optimize treatment outcomes.  Such advances to SARH will make a difference for many patients who will be able to receive prompt, expert care close to home. 

SARH Foundation is reaching out to the community for donations and funding to help purchase new and upgraded equipment for the hospital.  The 3D Mammography Machine was selected as the first piece of equipment due to the unmet need of 3D Mammo services in El Dorado.  The SARH Foundation Advisory Board, consisting of 14 members, are asking potential donors for support through community influence and personal contacts.  The 3D Mammo campaign is targeting other medical care providers and partners in the county for contributions and support. 

As an addition to the campaign, SHARE Foundation’s 30th Annual First Financial Bank/SHARE Benefit Golf Tournament will be held on September 16, 2023, at the Lions Club Municipal Golf Course, and all tournament proceeds will be given to SARH Foundation to fund the purchase of the 3D Mammo.  The tournament has appropriately included a “pink theme” this year for breast cancer awareness to highlight its fundraising cause.   

SARH Foundation has already received multiple generous donations from the community.  However, more donations are needed to reach the $500,000 goal.  Check donations can be mailed to SARH Foundation at 2299 Champagnolle Rd, El Dorado, AR 71730.  Online donations can be made at  For more information, please contact Amy Sturdivant, SARH Foundation Executive Director, at 870-881-9015 and  

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